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Yuk kita intip keterangannya : Point Blank - a massively multiplayer first-person shooter. The game developed by NCsoft, which is known worldwide for its super popular Lineage 2.
Most important element of Point Blank is the character development. The player is invited to choose the way of attack aircraft, a soldier or a technical support specialist. And in each direction there are many ramifications. If someone wants now easily treated with knives, then another more appropriate role of Rambo, which one is able to withstand a whole army. Or maybe you prefer path of a sniper, for whom nothing is more expensive Dragunov rifles? But you never know more military occupations. Everyone will find something of themselves!
Spesifikasi Komputer untuk bermain Point Blank :
Windows 2000/XP;
- Pentium III / Athlon 800 MHz;
- 128 MB RAM;
- DirectX 9.0c-compatible video card with support for T & L 32 MB;
- DirectX 9.0c-compatible sound card;
- DirectX 9.0c;
- 1 GB of free hard disk space
- keyboard, mouse.
Extras. Information: Game Client Updated!
Instructions for running the game:
Ustonavlivaem game - at the end of the installation put a check to create an account - register - run game - waiting for the check is complete - after обезательно click full check (it will load the file that provides a connection to the server) - continue to click to start the game - will begin automatically downloading program's FROST (it will take not more than 1 min) - Hurray play and enjoy! :
Download Now Size 618 Mb
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